The Three County Fair located in Northampton, Massachusetts is America’s longest-running continuous agricultural fair. The fair comprises three Western Massachusetts counties Hampshire, Franklin & Hampden within the Pioneer Valley Region of Massachusetts. The fair started by the forming of the Hampshire, Franklin & Hampden Agricultural Society incorporated by a special act of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts state legislature in 1818.

The Hampshire, Franklin & Hampden Agricultural Society is a non-profit organization and the purpose of the Society was then as it is now: “To promote agriculture, agricultural education, and agricultural science in the Commonwealth.” Exhibitions, displays, competitions, and demonstrations were the “tools of choice” as the Society went about fulfilling its purpose. Premiums are still awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in a variety of agricultural and domestic categories. Over two centuries later, and without interruption, the Fair has evolved to offer a variety of experiences for its Fairgoers from farmers sharing their farming techniques, carnivals, games, thoroughbred horse racing (which ended in 2005), livestock demonstrations, crafts, demolition derbies, music, foods and unique entertainment performances as we prepare for harvest. The fair takes place annually over the Labor Day weekend and is a tradition that has lasted over two hundred years.
Text Credit: 3countyfair.com

Three County Fair
54 Fair Street
Northampton, Massachusetts 01060
N 42° 19′ 36.3″ W 72° 37′ 18.1″